American Cancer Society - Relay For Life AmeriCorps Beautiful Lives Project - National Org Beverly Area Planning Association (BAPA) Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago Black Girls Run! Breastfeeding USA Bronzeville Children's Museum By Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Glen Ellyn Area Alumnae Center on Halsted Chicago Children's Advocacy Center Chicago Cultural Alliance Chicago Hopes for Kids Frankfort Chamber of Commerce German Day Association - Chicago Howard Brown Health’s Broadway Youth Center Jazz at the Ballroom JCFS Chicago Keep Music Alive Korean Cultural Center of Chicago Lighthouse Writers Workshop Lincoln Square Ravenswood Chamber of Commerce Mosaics Fine Art Festival My Black City N2 Publishing Near South Planning Board Northalsted SPAAMFAA (The Society for the Preservation and Appreciation of Antique Motor Fire Apparatus in America) The Chinese Fine Arts Society The Mission Continues The Virtual Run Challenge Three Brothers Theatre When We All Vote